Hydration. Are you drinking enough water?

Hydration. Are you drinking enough water?

Don’t forget to hydrate! It’s great to drink a big glass of water when you wake up instead of reaching for caffeine (which is dehydrating).

Your body need to hydrate after sleeping. Beginning your day with a nourishing practice like this can also help reduce that afternoon decline in energy too. When you do feel sluggish in the afternoon, start with a tall glass of water first before reaching for something that might dehydrating! It can help re-energize you!

Try it for a week and see how you feel 😃

Ping Pong for Good is passionate about bringing the benefits of table tennis and neuro fitness to all people, especially those who have neurological and cognitive conditions. Check out our class descriptions!


PPG Tuesday Tip: Creating New Connections in the Brain


Ping Pong Drills: Ball Balancing, Bouncing and Tossing